We now have a tow pilot for Wednesday (thank you Justine) at Brookhaven... If we get one instructor + some pilots to show up, we could have an operation Best for this week would be to book your "reservation" on our website, here: http://www.longislandsoaring.com/
Meeting Sunday at the club house at 10AM for glider operations (assuming winds come down by then) Remember: Daylight Time Saving, clocks will move forward 1 hour during the night Saturday to Sunday - ground boss will be Jacob - instructors will be Mike Hanson and Shawn Sims (maybe even Andrew Apicos) - tow pilot: unless another tow pilot reach out to me, I will be towing (Pierre) Given the winds forecast, it looks like we could fly, but do check the METAR before driving to the field.
We are putting this notice out (optimistically) for a Saturday Operation at Brookhaven But a go / no-go decision will follow at around 8AM Saturday depending on actual winds Right now it doesn't look promising with gusts forecast in the 30 knots level... If we are GO, then we're shooting for meeting at around 10AM at the club house: Brez will be your tow pilot, Andrew Apicos your instructor, someone will need to run ground ops.
Winds above club limits
We will fly some gliders this weekend: Which day: Saturday Sunday Tow Pilot Charles Flagg/Brez Pierre Instructor ShawnS/AndrewA Mike Hanson Field Boss Jacob Joe Grossmann Meet at 9AM at the clubhouse, get the truck & gliders ready... Students pilots: check the weather before coming on the field. If it gets too windy (Saturday), please text Brez (and Pierre)