The next club meeting is NOT on Saturday, January 18 2025 at Brookhaven: instead, it will be held during the annual holiday party on 01/25/2025, starting at 7PM at Shandon Court Restaurant in East Islip NY. Please contact Joseph Grossmann (631-699-0780) for reservation and more details.
Forecasts do not look promising Saturday & Sunday, maybe Monday could be fliable... The airfield might not be dry, even if ceilings, winds and precipitations are within limits. In addition, few people have volunteered helping the Ops in this balmy winter weather. So I am going to turn Saturday/Sunday off soon, keeping our options open for Monday If someone wants to fly the Condor Sim, please coordinate with your favorite CFI-G Cheers everyone
Tow Pilot: Wayne Instructors: Mike Field Manager: Joe Support: Jacob Come to the clubhouse at 9am - fly gliders!
No OPS on Saturday due to weather + skinny team Sunday Jan 12th in ON, come at 9am at LISA clubhouse and prepare the gliders Tow pilots: Wayne, Instruction: MikeH, Launch/Line: Joe/Jacob
It's going to be way too windy for LISA, let's try again next week. Happy New Year everyone, and I wish y'all a nice and safe Sunday Pierre